
As freelancers, we've all encountered that client who promises "more work in the future" in exchange for a significant discount on their first, current project. It sounds tempting, especially if you're looking to build a steady client base, but it can be a risky proposition.

There's no guarantee they will follow through with their promise, and you could end up doing more work for less pay without any future benefit.

While platforms like Fiverr offer subscription models, clients can still back out whenever they choose, leaving you high and dry. So, how do you handle these situations without jeopardizing your income or client relationship?

A Smart Approach to Discount Requests​

Here’s a savvy tip I came across, which strikes a balance between accommodating the client's request and protecting your interests:

Respond with:

"Sure, I can do discounted pricing for repeated orders. The first order will be my standard rate, but the second and third orders will be at a 5% and 10% discount respectively, and 10% thereafter."

Why This Works​

  1. Ensures a fair compensation initially: By charging your standard rate for the first order, you ensure you're compensated fairly right from the start. This mitigates the risk of doing a lot of work upfront for a lower rate with no guaranteed return.
  2. Encourages repeat business: Offering a graduated discount incentivizes the client to continue working with you. They get a small discount on the second order, a bigger one on the third, and maintain a consistent discount for ongoing work. This creates a win-win situation where both parties benefit from a long-term relationship.
  3. Builds trust and commitment: It sets a clear expectation that discounts are tied to repeat business. This helps in filtering out clients who are only looking for a one-time deal and aren't serious about a long-term collaboration.

Putting It into Practice​

Next time a client approaches you with a request for a discount based on future work promises, try this approach. It shows that you’re open to building a lasting relationship but are also savvy about protecting your business interests. By structuring your pricing this way, you can maintain your earnings and potentially secure reliable, long-term clients.

Remember, your time and skills are valuable. Don’t be afraid to set terms that ensure you’re fairly compensated while fostering positive and sustainable client relationships. Happy freelancing!