1722106344019.webpI'm a freelancer in both my online and offline world. During my journey as a freelancer, I've had my share of lucky breaks. These moments can boost opportunities, increase exposure, and offer significant encouragement.

For some reason, many people feel embarrassed or even too proud to acknowledge the role of luck in their success.

Often, you make your own luck

I genuinely believe that sometimes luck appears out of nowhere and gives a substantial helping hand. However, most of the time, what seems like luck is actually the result of hard work paying off.

Was it luck that got you a referral from a satisfied client, or was it your dedication to delivering exceptional work that earned their recommendation?
Was it luck that you landed a high-profile project, or was it your outstanding portfolio that caught the attention of the right people?

Luck can, and does, drop out of the sky

There are times when luck literally drops out of the sky and benefits you. Maybe you accidentally connected with someone influential at a networking event, leading to a significant job opportunity. Or you mentioned your services to a friend who then passed it on to someone in the industry, resulting in a new project.

Don’t be ashamed of luck! Embrace it, and work to maximize the benefits it can bring. If you're suddenly receiving a large amount of interest from a specific source, welcome those inquiries warmly and professionally. Thank the person who referred you, too – who knows, they may have other opportunities for you.

My encounters with luck

Early in my freelance career, I was lucky to collaborate with a client who had a much larger network. They referred me to several other clients, significantly boosting my workload. Do I consider that lucky? In a way, yes – but it was something I pursued and achieved through relationship-building.

A couple of months ago, I received an email from a production company wanting to hire me in their production shop. A client used my services to grow their business significantly, and they shared their positive experience with another company. Do I consider this lucky? Again, in a way yes – but the quality of my work and the relationships I nurtured played a crucial role.

Luck appears in many ways. Never be ashamed of it, and always embrace it. Don’t sit around waiting for luck to find you – get out there, work hard, and create your own opportunities! And above all, know what you're worth!

Thanks for reading,
Cedric - signing out!
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