Marketplace for Freelancers & Businesses
I have added non-management upgrades for moderation to the list as purchasable upgrades if you so desire.

These upgrades to service, charges upfront for a month of work based on a max hourly total.

The part time upgrade lists the following:
Hourly, Part Time Service - 20-30 Hours Weekly: $45 USD per hour, 130 Maximum Hours Per Month. Work will be between 20-30 hours per week, up to the 130 hours per month that is paid.

The full time upgrade lists the following:
Hourly, Full Time Service - 40 Hours Weekly: $45 USD per hour, 176 Hours Total Per Month. 40 hours weekly, with a recommended 8 hour work day, 5 days per week. Maximum hours for the schedule in a month, being 176 hours total.