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  1. Cory

    What's your preferred coding language and why?

    You're not wrong, that's for sure! I'm sure I could learn a lot more if I applied myself, but right now I'm just happy helping fellow webmasters with my current experience.
  2. Cory

    What's your preferred coding language and why?

    That's true, though I've never had much use for such frameworks/libraries due to my primary means of coding being on free non-self-hosted message board services. Don't get me wrong, a front-end developer career would be awesome, but there's just so much to learn and a fast-paced market that...
  3. Cory

    What's your preferred coding language and why?

    There's no doubt about that, your knowledge can build daily if you apply yourself with the proper resources and learning tools to improve. I'm lazy, unmotivated, and somewhat old-school when it comes to learning new languages which is probably why I haven't tried applying myself to learning...
  4. Cory

    What's your preferred coding language and why?

    Don't get me wrong, I love JavaScript, but if it weren't for jQuery I wouldn't be where I am today. jQuery is how I pretty much learned JavaScript to an even greater extent. There is still plenty I don't know about JavaScript, but it feels like a constant learning cycle that never ends.
  5. Cory

    What's your preferred coding language and why?

    JavaScript for life! I love the front-end side of things, so JavaScript will always be my go-to language. I love doing JavaScript work for free forum software as I have done on InvisionFree, ZetaBoards, and now Jcink.