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  1. Cedric

    XF Themes Aurora

    Cedric updated Aurora with a new update entry: Updated for 2.3.3 Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. Cedric

    XF Themes Aurora

    Sometime next week. Likely Monday/Tuesday.
  3. Cedric

    XF Themes Aurora

    Apologies, the coupon was disabled since August 1st. Please try again. :)
  4. Cedric

    XF Themes Aurora

    I'll release a new version soon where this is fixed. :)
  5. Cedric

    XF Themes Aurora

    Cedric updated Aurora with a new update entry: Version Released Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Cedric

    XF Themes Aurora

    Cedric updated Aurora with a new update entry: Issue Fixed: Resource Links Visibility Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. Cedric

    XF Themes Aurora

    I could look into releasing different colors, but it'll take some while. Additionally, your 3rd party add ons styling is located in the style-properties You'll need to edit the colors yourself, unfortunately I can't give any support with that.
  8. Cedric

    XF Themes Aurora

    If you'd like a quick fix for the link while you wait on the new version, add this to your extra.less template in the ACP: .bbWrapper { color: hsl(338.37deg 100% 55%); }
  9. Cedric

    XF Themes Aurora

    I'll get a fix asap. The main colors can be changed yes, but not without any knowledge. You can change most in the style properties, but some things will need to be added in the extra.less template with the correct element name. It takes some time, but it's doable. I've done it before:
  10. Cedric

    XF Themes Aurora

    We tried to make it as clear as possible, but there's always work to do. What for one is clear, isn't for the other. Our theme on Agora is custom and exclusive, not for sale currently.
  11. Cedric

    XF Themes Aurora

    I see what's up. You must set your forum URL here in order to download: If you need any help, let me know. :)
  12. Cedric

    XF Themes Aurora

    Hi anil, you should be able to see this Download button:
  13. Cedric

    XF Themes Aurora

    Cedric updated Aurora with a new update entry: Sale! Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. Cedric

    XF Themes Aurora

    Cedric submitted a new marketplace item: Aurora - Introducing Aurora: The Ultimate XenForo Theme for Your Forum Read more about this marketplace item...