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Beware of Fiverr Reviews: They're not always real!


Agora Founder
Staff member
May 18, 2024
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It's disheartening and makes you question what's genuine. It also raises concerns about why Fiverr isn't taking action. Furthermore, it makes you wonder how many clients have been deceived by these so-called freelancers.

If you spend any time on Facebook or other social media platforms, you might have come across posts where people ask others to provide fake reviews for their Fiverr gigs/accounts. This is a serious issue that can mislead clients and harm the integrity of freelance marketplaces.

I know what you're thinking, why should I care?
  1. Deceptive practices: When freelancers solicit fake reviews, they are essentially lying to potential clients. These reviews do not reflect the actual quality of their work. As a client, you might be swayed by these glowing reviews and end up hiring someone who isn't as competent as they appear.
  2. Risk to your projects: If you hire someone based on false reviews, your project might suffer. You could end up with subpar work, missed deadlines, or worse, a freelancer who disappears after taking your money.
  3. Damages trust: The trustworthiness of platforms like Fiverr relies on honest feedback from real clients. Fake reviews undermine this trust and make it harder for genuine freelancers to stand out.
What can you do about it?
  1. Double-check reviews: Look beyond the number of stars. Read the reviews carefully. If they seem overly generic or similar, it might be a red flag. Check the reviewer's profile to see if they have a history of leaving similar reviews for different freelancers.
  2. Ask for proof: Don’t hesitate to ask freelancers for samples of their previous work. Genuine freelancers will be happy to provide examples and discuss their experience in detail.
  3. Report suspicious activity: If you come across posts on social media asking for fake reviews, report them. This helps maintain the integrity of the community and ensures that the reviews you see are more likely to be genuine.
For Freelancers:
  1. Avoid fake reviews: It might seem tempting to boost your profile with a few fake reviews, but it's not worth it. Not only is it unethical, but it can also get you banned from platforms.
  2. Focus on Quality: Instead of looking for shortcuts, invest time in improving your skills and delivering high-quality work. Happy clients will leave real, positive reviews that will naturally boost your profile.
Be cautious of the reviews you see on Fiverr and other freelance platforms. Not all reviews are genuine, and falling for fake ones can have serious consequences. Always do your due diligence, and support a fair and honest freelancing community.
I have come across this fake reviews issue on Fiverr. What appalls me is that a big freelance platform like that is not doing anything to curb this problem.
Unfortunately, I can't always trust fiver reviews. I have seen sellers buying fake reviews to boost their ratings. This is why it's so important to be cautious when choosing a seller. What I do is look for red flags like using similar language in multiple reviews.
Fake reviews are everywhere, even Trustpilot has been caught in a "pay-to-play" scheme in the past. It is really sad in the case of freelance sites because clients who come across such issues are less likely to want to work with independent contractors in the future, which limits opportunities for everyone.

The few people who think they are getting ahead by doing this are actually hurting everyone. It's just like offering bottom-rate prices to attract customers.

Anyway, I understand why people solicit fake reviews; it is rough out here for a freelancer!
Fake reviews are everywhere, even Trustpilot has been caught in a "pay-to-play" scheme in the past. It is really sad in the case of freelance sites because clients who come across such issues are less likely to want to work with independent contractors in the future, which limits opportunities for everyone.

The few people who think they are getting ahead by doing this are actually hurting everyone. It's just like offering bottom-rate prices to attract customers.

Anyway, I understand why people solicit fake reviews; it is rough out here for a freelancer!
Indeed, it’s not just Fiverr. Trustpilot, Google, anything that offers reviews should be double checked.
I've often received emails from people offering services to post reviews on platforms like Trustpilot and Google Reviews. These offers usually promise to enhance my business's reputation with glowing, five-star reviews. It's all too shady in my opinion. Many of these reviews are so misleading. It's always best to strive for genuine customer feedback, as authenticity builds trust and long-term credibility with your clients.
Indeed, it’s not just Fiverr. Trustpilot, Google, anything that offers reviews should be double checked.
I actually had high regards for Google play store reviews on apps. Until I started navigating the apps firsthand and I realized that all those 5 star reviews are fake.
I actually had high regards for Google play store reviews on apps. Until I started navigating the apps firsthand and I realized that all those 5 star reviews are fake.
Is there something obvious that tells you they're fake?
Is there something obvious that tells you they're fake?
Quite a handful of them actually. I once installed a forex trading app because the reviews on Google play seemed positive. But on using it, I was just disappointed. The interface was trash and the money I deposited didn't reflect for weeks.
If I could give a negative rating I will do it everyday of the week and twice on a Sunday!
Is there something obvious that tells you they're fake?
Many times it's similar words and phrases used in the reviews by different reviewers. Other times, it's reviews that do not make sense for the app in question. One time I saw someone say the app made it easier for them to measure a shed they were building. It was a review for a browser.

The other thing is a discrepancy between the positive and critical reviews. It is common, expected even, that an app will have a mix of negative and positive reviews, with 2, 3, and 4-start reviews in between. But sometimes you see numerous 5-star and 1-star reviews, with few to no ratings in between. That should be a huge red flag that the positive reviews are likely fake.
When I was starting out as a content writer, I decided to expand my opportunities by signing up on popular freelancing platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. Unfortunately, I struggled to secure jobs on these platforms despite my efforts. It became evident that clients heavily favored freelancers with higher ratings. It made it challenging for newcomers like myself to gain traction.

I soon realized that Fiverr had a major issue with fake freelancers who, through unethical means, acquired positive feedback for their services. It was disheartening to learn that some online freelancers were potentially paying for fake positive reviews, creating an unfair advantage for themselves while weakening the integrity of the platform. This undermines the credibility of online freelancers and creates a disadvantage for real, hardworking online freelancers and clients seeking reliable services.

I firmly believe that platforms like Fiverr need to take preemptive action to address this issue, as it impacts the platform's reputation and affects the livelihoods of genuine online freelancers. I hope steps will be taken to ensure a fair and transparent environment for all users, where real skills and work ethic are recognized and valued.
This happens way too often, not just on freelance platforms but even on shopping platforms as well, you can never be too cautious and if reviews seem too good to be true, they probably are.

Looking at the OP above, the minute I saw a name I knew just how fake those reviews were, that name was Zain Malik.
As a client seeking to hire a freelancer, you would always need to do a basic sample for me. And if the delivered work is not as good as the sample, I ain't paying. And then, no need to pay in advance. No matter the positive reviews, you get to pay as a client after the work is delivered. There are alternate accounts on Fiverr writing reviews for themselves. If all reviews are perfect, it surely raises a red flag.
It's not just on Fiverr that reviews are cooked up. It happens on all freelance websites. Seoclerks is another big freelance website like Fiverr and some of their own reviews are cooked up. I've been scammed by a buyer on Seoclerks once. Also, if you go to TrustPilot, there are so many fake reviews there too.
Asking for proof is a good way to get them to show the past works that they have done. It could also be about giving you a link as well. This is why I am very careful with just believing all that I read just by looking at the reviews. It doesn't always work that way for me.