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Do You Always Check Weather Report?


Novice Trader
May 20, 2024
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Well, I work from home so I do not have to go outdoors, however, I always check weather report. I always want to know what would be the temperature, whether there would be sunshine or clouds. What about you?
I worry less about weather reports. Most of the time, I just go about my activities with less concern about how the weather is going to turn out.
I check the default weather app on my iPhone every day just to see if there are any upcoming storms and to check the temperature.
Checking the weather reports on my app is very important. As a baker, I use the reports to know my movements on a daily basis, especially when I need to visit the grocery stores. While it is necessary to function without checking the weather reports, I find it very important to check the reports as it helps me plan my activities for each day.
My smartphone gives me daily update on weather report. I always make sure to have it checked out in morning and set my program so I don't get caught up especially during rainy season down here.
I check the default weather app on my iPhone every day just to see if there are any upcoming storms and to check the temperature.
Same here. There’s always a chance that a storm will come through in Texas. It’s always so unpredictable. Especially the weather we just experienced last month.
I check the weather every day before work during the summertime to see how miserable the day will be lol. Seriously though, my job is fine during the cooler months but during summer its brutal since I work in a non climate controlled factory and when it's hot outside, it's hotter inside the building.
It's the first thing I click on my smartphone once I unlock it. After checking it, I'll move on to other things I need to work on with with phone. I've never gone a day without checking the weather report. It's like a habit!
Same here. There’s always a chance that a storm will come through in Texas. It’s always so unpredictable. Especially the weather we just experienced last month.
Yeah, Mother Nature is unpredictable in Texas. As many times as the storms picked up, I was afraid there may be a tornado coming our way. But thankfully, we didn't get touched by one.
I am not sure if checking the weather app after every few hours counts here, hehe. That's the only thing I do nearest to checking weather reports.
I am not sure if checking the weather app after every few hours counts here, hehe. That's the only thing I do nearest to checking weather reports.
It surely counts as one depending on how reliable the weather app you're using is with the information it provides. Which weather app are you making use of currently?
I am not sure if checking the weather app after every few hours counts here, hehe. That's the only thing I do nearest to checking weather reports.

It also depends on the type of business that you are doing. If you are doing a business that depends on checking weather reports every minute because of how rainfall impacts what you do, you will be tempted to check it.
It also depends on the type of business that you are doing. If you are doing a business that depends on checking weather reports every minute because of how rainfall impacts what you do, you will be tempted to check it.
Rainfall is not the only aspect of weather reports that you have to observe when you are looking at something that is going to impact your business. You have to take everything into consideration and apply it in your business.
I work from home and only ever leave the house if I need to. I always check the weather report though as I do like to know what is going on with the weather and whether or not it's wise for me to try and dry clothes outside or not or when to expect rain if I have washing outside drying.
Yeah, Mother Nature is unpredictable in Texas. As many times as the storms picked up, I was afraid there may be a tornado coming our way. But thankfully, we didn't get touched by one.
Has a tornado ever touched down over there? We’ve been fortunate so far and there hasn’t been one that has ever hit in Conroe. There’s been some that has hit Houston though.
Has a tornado ever touched down over there? We’ve been fortunate so far and there hasn’t been one that has ever hit in Conroe. There’s been some that has hit Houston though.
I don't think one has while we have lived here, but I think one hit a neighborhood before we lived here.
We are in the rainy season now and it's going to be in your best interest to always check whether report before making your plans for the day, otherwise you are going to be messed up by the weather.
Whenever I plan to leave the house I check the weather to make sure that I am prepared for whatever mother nature has in store for me. I also get cold quickly and my bones hurt if it's too cold or damp inside so I want to make sure I am dressed for the weather.