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Do you have business cards?


May 21, 2024
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In this day and age, most people promote their work online. However, printing off business cards and promoting your work offline can help you get more clients. You can hand them out at different conventions, especially if you have a booth displaying your work if you offer tangible goods. One of my coworker's handed me a business card with his wife's etsy shop information printed on it. I was interested in seeing what she had to offer, so I checked out her shop. Do you have business cards printed off? Did you gain new clients from handing out your business cards?
Business cards are again something I have looked into but have not chosen to use yet. After considering everything and due to most of my clients coming from online advertising, I couldn't justify investing in business cards that may not have much use.
I have a soft copy of my business card, but I have not printed it out yet. I mostly get interaction online, so when people ask me what I do I just send them the card. I’ve not seen the need to have it in hard copy.
No, I don't. I have never felt a need for a business card. In the age of internet, you can just text your website address to your clients, or provide your social handle.
A lot of people believe that the era of business cards is over. But there's no harm in still doing things the old fashioned way as far as business promotion is concerned.
I do make use of it because it is easier for people to look at cards than to check their mails or social media platforms.
A lot of people believe that the era of business cards is over. But there's no harm in still doing things the old fashioned way as far as business promotion is concerned.
I do make use of it because it is easier for people to look at cards than to check their mails or social media platforms.
Although business cards might seem old-school. But there's something tangible about handing someone a physical card.
It depends on what kind of business you have. If you have an offline business, having a card helps promote your brand. Let's say a social event. If the card is good enough, it can show that you are a professional. It is also very affordable. However, if your business is online, cards aren't as useful, but something about having business cards makes you feel like a true business professional.
Is there such a thing as a digital business card, or is that more like what a portfolio is for? If I had an online business, I would probably make digital business cards to send to people when they are interested in my work. Whether via email, messaging, or other means of contact.
Is there such a thing as a digital business card, or is that more like what a portfolio is for? If I had an online business, I would probably make digital business cards to send to people when they are interested in my work. Whether via email, messaging, or other means of contact.

Well, digital business card are real and they're also super useful if you have an online business. It's very easy to share your digital business card with anyone, anywhere.
Well, digital business card are real and they're also super useful if you have an online business. It's very easy to share your digital business card with anyone, anywhere.
Good point, and with a little expertise you could create an automated system that sends out digital business cards at the click of a link.
I have chosen to have an online business card since the nature of my work is mainly online. I acquired the skills to create it through the guidance of my former online freelancing coach. She taught me the importance of having an online business card. The online business card is particularly beneficial in this digital era due to its cost-effectiveness and the ability to track the number of views it receives. Despite not having an offline business card, I acknowledge its potential benefits for business owners and individuals working in traditional office settings. An offline business card can leave a lasting impression as recipients can physically hold it, fostering a more personal connection and increasing the likelihood of being remembered. In addition, it communicates professionalism and strengthens brand identity. I will definitely have an offline business card when I become a business owner in the future.
Good point, and with a little expertise you could create an automated system that sends out digital business cards at the click of a link.

It's possible to create a seamless digital businss card experience if you have the technical know how. It's just in form of a link that sends a digital card to the clients.
Having a business card, or complimentary card, as some would call it, is extremely important for a business or brand. One of the major importance of having one is that it creates a sense of professionalism in the minds of potential clients. At the moment I do not have a business card for my brand because I have not officially registered my business name. The moment I am done with this, having a business card would be the first thing I do.
Every person conducting a business is advised to have a business card. You don't know when you will have the opportunity of pitching what you do to potential clients. So when they have your card and your contact information they will be able to reach out to you. Besides, business cards make you look more professional.
When I worked for an Advertising agency back in the days, I had my own personal business card which was very handy back then because of the clients we seek out for contracts. They need the card to reach back to me. But right now, I don't make use of any for both my online and offline business.
Even if I did not have anything else, I understand that every business must have a card. This will go on to show how serious you conduct your business and how you can make it travel wide in the hands of people.