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Do you play all night?


May 28, 2024
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Gaming is one of the key aspects of my life. There are times that I feel alive after playing some interesting games. When it comes to playing games, can you play from evening till the next morning?
When I was younger, I would play games all night, but it’s something that I don’t do anymore.
When I was a kid, I would stay up all night playing video games during the summer. These days I don't think I could do that, I wouldn't want to mess up my sleep schedule over the week plus I have a feeling I'd fall asleep in the middle of gaming lol.
When I was younger, I would play games all night, but it’s something that I don’t do anymore.

The truth is that being a kid comes with almost zero responsibility, so you will have time to do a lot of activities that you get happiness from. It is quite different from what you get from being an adult.
Years ago, I used to start playing on an evening when it was quiet and I would stay playing video games until really late, sometimes even when the sun came up.

I don't tend to do that anymore, I don't even think I would be able to unless I really couldn't shut off and stayed up playing games just because of that.
Gaming is one of the key aspects of my life. There are times that I feel alive after playing some interesting games. When it comes to playing games, can you play from evening till the next morning?
What is the game you find most right now?

I've never been a huge gamer but I do remember stumbling on a very interesting game (it was an idle planet game) and I would play that all night when I was younger. Now even if I tried I'd fall asleep. Haha
When I was younger, I would play games all night, but it’s something that I don’t do anymore.
Same, I did it when I was younger and it didn't effect me as much, now if I mess up my sleep schedule it takes me a while to get it back on track.
When I was a kid, I would stay up all night playing video games during the summer. These days I don't think I could do that, I wouldn't want to mess up my sleep schedule over the week plus I have a feeling I'd fall asleep in the middle of gaming lol.
Same, even if I wanted to I'd probably fall asleep haha. It also isn't something I'm really wanting to do anymore.
The truth is that being a kid comes with almost zero responsibility, so you will have time to do a lot of activities that you get happiness from. It is quite different from what you get from being an adult.
Exactly, when you're a kid you have little to no responsibility so you can sleep in if you want or even sleep in all day. As an adult you have too many responsibilities to be able to go to bed at lie 4 am in the morning and sleep all day.
Years ago, I used to start playing on an evening when it was quiet and I would stay playing video games until really late, sometimes even when the sun came up.

I don't tend to do that anymore, I don't even think I would be able to unless I really couldn't shut off and stayed up playing games just because of that.
I did the same, now not so much. Even if I wanted to lol
I know what you mean :) life has become so much more hectic over the last few years, even if I did want to game for that long, it wouldn't be something I could do now. I cherish the time I do get now.
Fair and to be honest I don't think I enjoy gaming as much as I did before so it's not something that even if I had the energy for I'd really want to do. A bit of gaming is nice but I have more important things that need my attention now lol.
This brings back memories when I used to play mini militia multiplayer mode with my friends throughout the night! That was then though, never again.
My sleep is paramount now.
It is something I would not recommend because it can negatively affect your sleep. You can even get insomnia, which is not a good thing at all.
Nope, I've never done that :P .

The closest I came was when Civilization: Beyond Earth was released, and I was up playing it until 3am!
I don’t do anything throughout the night, except sleep. If I don’t get enough sleep I always feel tired the next morning. My work requires me to wake up early in the morning.
I currently do partake in gaming in some down time and have been playing a very old game for many years called: Wurm Online

It is an online sandbox run by players. Its super niche and I love it even 20years laters!
I currently do partake in gaming in some down time and have been playing a very old game for many years called: Wurm Online

It is an online sandbox run by players. Its super niche and I love it even 20years laters!
Reminds me of No One Lives Forever. A game that's 24 years old!! We have a small community of around 10-20 weekly players (usually on Sundays) and around 100 in total that occasionally play. It's awesome, we know each other very well and often do random maps in the selection that are just so much fun every week. We even get new players every now and then.

But to come back to the OP. The days of pulling all nighters are long gone for me. I've got a Playstation 5 that I turn on once every few weeks. My priorities changed, but I still consider myself a gamer. There's just not much out there that interests me anymore.

I am however looking forward to the release of GTA 6. Maybe then I'll pull an all nighter.
Nahhh. My sleep is too expensive. Once I feel a hint of sleep in my eye, I'm suspending anything I'm doing cos my sleep is my first priority. Without sleep, I can't function well.
Nope, playing video games all night isn't something I would do. I can sit and watch movies or series at night but it's never going to be playing video games because I will be doing more when I play games.
Nope, playing video games all night isn't something I would do. I can sit and watch movies or series at night but it's never going to be playing video games because I will be doing more when I play games.
That's a great approach! I also try as much as possible to have a balance and prioritize rest. I find watching movies or series to relax. So, I use it to unwind, but gaming can be so engaging.
When i was a student i used to do that, i really enjoy gaming and love to spend sometime on it, and when i was student i spent a lots of nights playing video games, but now i get very sleepy and can't spend the night playing. Now i only play call of duty mobile and PUBG games.
This brought back memories of when I was still young. I and my brother would sneak out to the living room at night and play efootball. My dad caught us a few times and it was a havoc!