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How long is too long to start making money?


May 28, 2024
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Making money from running forums and blogs can be exciting. If you are a forum owner, how long is too long before you become impatient that you are not making money?
It depends on a lot of things like the monetization tactics that you're using, activities on your forum and so much more. My friend started making money in his first week but it wad just a few cents.
It depends on a lot of things like the monetization tactics that you're using, activities on your forum and so much more. My friend started making money in his first week but it wad just a few cents.

Even for anyone that begins to make money from the start, there is no way you can make how much that you have invested. So, there is need to be patient.
Even for anyone that begins to make money from the start, there is no way you can make how much that you have invested. So, there is need to be patient.
Being greedy right from the get go is only going to leave you disappointed as a website owner with your project. Website management isn't a get rich quick scheme.
Being greedy right from the get go is only going to leave you disappointed as a website owner with your project. Website management isn't a get rich quick scheme.

You are on point. It takes time, resources and a team that is ready to work in order to be able to achieve more as a forum owner. The team will be united before you can begin to see a lot of successes in your project.
You are on point. It takes time, resources and a team that is ready to work in order to be able to achieve more as a forum owner. The team will be united before you can begin to see a lot of successes in your project.
Also you need to be willing to spend a considerable amount of money on your project before you should start expecting to be reaping financial benefits from it otherwise it is not going to work.
Making money from running forums and blogs can be exciting. If you are a forum owner, how long is too long before you become impatient that you are not making money?
Building the content and traffic comes first before monetizing. There’s no point of throwing advertisements on something that’s empty as you won’t make much from Google adsense or other ad companies and they might smartprice your account. Which means, your account won’t ever make a lot of money.

I’d say 6-7 months is when you can probably start monetizing if you have a decent amount of traffic and content, however, this depends on what niche you’re in.

A blog can probably be monetized before a forum though.
If you're interested in making money immediately after starting a new forum without doing much work on it, you're not being sincere with yourself. You need time to built your membership, contents and traffic. It's when these have been taken care of, then you should start looking at making money from it.
I don't believe there is any length of time that you should be looking at or aiming for to start making money on your site as it can vary for several reasons such as how much content you get out there, what the niche of your website is.

If you are looking to make money from your website, you should be focusing on how to ensure that will happen rather than setting a date expectation to start earning.
I think there is no specific time when you have to be making money with your website as there are many variables for this to happen, I think the first thing you have to do for this to happen is to offer very good content that stands out from the competition, this will probably make you start making money with your website, so until you get that, there's no set time.
One thing that I have come to know and understand about running a site to be a source of income, it is a long term thing. The site would need to get the necessary traction for it to substantially make money. And that takes time. If you have monetized your site though, you should feel concerned if you stay up to three months after monetization and you are not seeing some few cents as earnings. And then, you should only be concerned if you run a monetized site for three years, with good SEO practice and you are not making up to $20 a month.
That's a tough one! In freelancing, too long actually varies but in my opinion, 6-12 months without a significant income is a pointer that there is a need to reassess your strategies. You can do this by reflecting on your marketing efforts, pricing, and the services offered.