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How Often Do You Read Books?


Novice Trader
May 20, 2024
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Do you like reading books? How often do you read? Well, I like reading and I frequently read books. In the past, I mainly read for pleasure and building knowledge, however, these days I mainly read for collecting information and ideas that will help me with content writing. What about you?
Rarely, as I've never been much of a reader. I try reading bits and pieces here and there, but I get distracted by technology too easily and have a small attention span when it comes to reading.
I am a reader, and I don't joke with reading books. I can't go a whole week without finding out a new book that is worth reading.

I read books on finance to do better at business and read books on health because, as a lady, it is an important aspect of my life too. I always feel reading is crucial to us having a better life in general.
I like to read. I actually have a nice collection of eBooks on my phone.

The last book I read was 'The Complete Guide to Motivation' by Scott Young.

I’m always eager to learn new things.
Rarely, as I've never been much of a reader. I try reading bits and pieces here and there, but I get distracted by technology too easily and have a small attention span when it comes to reading.

I would prefer reading books, but the challenge right now is that I am always occupied and reading is almost impossible in such situations.
Not very often lately. If I'm being very honest, I find it very tiring to read a book especially when it is a printed copy. I find it more easy reading ebooks online than doing it with physical printed copies.
Not very often lately. If I'm being very honest, I find it very tiring to read a book, especially when it is a printed copy. I find it easier reading ebooks online than doing it with physical printed copies.

Ebooks are taking over, I must admit. A lot of people that I know now don't even bother about reading printed books as long as there is an ebook version of it.
Ebooks are taking over, I must admit. A lot of people that I know now don't even bother about reading printed books as long as there is an ebook version of it.
Yeah, that's very correct. It shows how people are advancing with technology and that is the reason why most people are no longer paying much attention today printed version of books unless it is something they can't get on ebooks.
Sadly, not at all. I had tried to cultivate a habit of reading 5 pages of a book per day but I couldn't continue. I feel readings books is not just my thing.
Sadly, not at all. I had tried to cultivate a habit of reading 5 pages of a book per day but I couldn't continue. I feel reading books is not just my thing.

It seems you are a busy person or always get easily distracted when it comes to reading. Have you tried any tactics that can help you stay focused and consistent when it comes to reading?
When I was younger I used to read books all the time. I always remember each birthday and Christmas my family would buy me a book from my favourite author which was Enid Blyton.

I wouldn't say that I read as much as I used to anymore, at least not books, most of my reading is done online.
Ebooks are taking over, I must admit. A lot of people that I know now don't even bother about reading printed books as long as there is an ebook version of it.
I can’t honestly tell you the last time I read an actual printed book. I’ve been reading eBooks for the past couple of years now.
I can’t honestly tell you the last time I read an actual printed book. I’ve been reading eBooks for the past couple of years now.
Same here. I have never been a book enthusiast. It was a burden to read when I was in school. 😅
For a while I read quite a bit. Lately I've been reading articles and posts about topics related to my blog.
I don't read as often as I would like to, ideally I'd read every day but honestly I read maybe once a week. I know terrible, my reading game is horrible.
Used to read a lot when I was younger, and then that hobby died when I started working.

However, lately, I read more than I used to in the past. The funny thing is that I read more documentation, news articles, and research materials than I do what one would consider traditional books.
I make sure to read books twice a day. I do this to hone my writing skills.
Reading is a fantastic way to improve writing skills! I remember when I switched from French school to English school in College and one thing that really helped me with my grammar and spelling was reading English books.

What sorts of books do you enjoy reading? I prefer the how-to books or educational books myself.
Used to read a lot when I was younger, and then that hobby died when I started working.

However, lately, I read more than I used to in the past. The funny thing is that I read more documentation, news articles, and research materials than I do what one would consider traditional books.
I am the same way, I spend most of my time reading those subjects than any educational or how-to books.
When you do end up reading a book though, what genre do you prefer?