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Top Mistakes New Freelancers Make


Novice Trader
Jun 29, 2024
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Based on my experience, starting as a freelancer can be very exciting, but it’s very easy to make mistakes as a beginner.

One common error that comes to mind is underpricing services. This means newbies should know their worth to determine the right prices.

Another one is poor time management. Missing the deadlines can definitely hurt your reputation. It can lead to misunderstandings with clients.

Lately, most of the new freelancers do not have a clear niche, and it can be a very serious problem in the end.
One thing that I always disliked on Fiverr or any other freelancer platform is the pricing. The market is so competitive and people just always tend to go lower than their competition. You end up losing quality when you do this. Know your value everyone, it's important to provide quality work and that costs money.
Not using contracts, which often leads to misunderstandings. It's important that you clearly define each project to ensure that neither you nor your customer ends up disappointed.

They protect both you and your customer, so there is really no reason not to use one.
Not using contracts, which often leads to misunderstandings. It's important that you clearly define each project to ensure that neither you nor your customer ends up disappointed.

They protect both you and your customer, so there is really no reason not to use one.
Another mistake that freelancers make is failing to set clear boundaries, prioritising self-care, and having no financial safety net. Those are probably what can also harm your business as a freelancer.