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What’s a skill you think you everyone should have?


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May 19, 2024
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What skill do you think everyone should have?

Personally, I believe cooking is one skill that everyone should have. Everyone should know how to cook for themselves.
I agree with you, cooking is very important. Though I would say the skill I think everyone should have is to create a proper budget & manage their money. I believe it's really important to know where your money is going vs. where you want your money to go. If you never learn to save, invest and use your money as a tool you will always feel like you never have enough money. That's why I think everyone should know how to budget and learn how to make their money work for them.
Communication skills. Knowing how to talk to people can get you places you never thought you would go and open doors you never even thought about.

A close second is general finance skills. Know how to make, save, and invest money and things will be much easier. Also, understand how money works plus how the rich and corporations use it, and you will be much further than most people.
Changing a tire in case you ever have a flat tire, but many people use roadside assistance.
I’d say this a must have skill as well. You never know how long roadside assistance will take to get to your destination.
Communication skills. Knowing how to talk to people can get you places you never thought you would go and open doors you never even thought about.

A close second is general finance skills. Know how to make, save, and invest money and things will be much easier. Also, understand how money works plus how the rich and corporations use it, and you will be much further than most people.
I agree. If you don’t know how to communicate properly, you won’t get far. A bad apple will always be a bad apple. Knowing how to communicate properly goes hand in hand with having people skills. Nice one!
I completely agree with you about cooking. Another skill that I think everyone should have is the basic first aid knowledge. This is because accidents can happen anytime, and having this skill can help save lives.