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What are the Content Creation Challenges you come across?


Novice Trader
Jun 29, 2024
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I struggle with consistency and burnout sometimes and I don't think it's peculiar to me. Of course, it's a common problem faced by writers. It becomes even worse of you're a solo creator. It's like you're responsible for every aspect of content, from writing to editing and also to promoting as well. In a worse situation, you'll work and gets nowhere.
That would be writer’s block. There are times when I get no idea at all no matter how hard I try. My head goes completely blank, and it can take days for me to start getting some faint inspirations.
That would be writer’s block. There are times when I get no idea at all no matter how hard I try. My head goes completely blank, and it can take days for me to start getting some faint inspirations.
You're right my friend. I'm also aware that the writer's block is a common issue. In that situation, I'll advise to step away for a while so that you can relax and recharge too.
I get writer's block when it comes to creating new topics on my forum. I try to think of more unique topics, but my brain goes completely blank.
I have been immersed in the world of content creation since 2008, gaining valuable experience while overcoming many challenges along the way. Despite my extensive experience in the online freelancing industry, particularly in writing, there are instances when I struggle with creative dry spells, leaving me at a loss for new ideas. Additionally, writer's block frequently impedes my progress, making it tough to gather my thoughts effectively. Moreover, the most recent obstacle I have encountered is the intensified competition within the industry. Securing writing jobs has become increasingly challenging due to the strong influence of artificial intelligence and the growing number of highly talented competitors. Unfortunately, this has led to a decline in the stability of my writing tasks. Another issue I face is maintaining consistency. My writing style becomes inconsistent at times.
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I get writer's block when it comes to creating new topics on my forum. I try to think of more unique topics, but my brain goes completely blank.
You should try to shake things up by taking a break and also brainstorming with others. Seeking inspiration from others can also help a lot.
You should try to shake things up by taking a break and also brainstorming with others. Seeking inspiration from others can also help a lot.
That is true, but the main unique topics I would need to think of are coding-related since my board is mostly about coding. I like to build up general discussion forums, but those are sub-par forums that are just addendums for people to discuss a variety of topics and not necessarily ones that correlate with the board's niche. Thinking of new, unique resources is my main focus, so I suppose you can say I have more of a coder's block than a writer's block.
I get writer's block when it comes to creating new topics on my forum. I try to think of more unique topics, but my brain goes completely blank.
This is why AI is so powerful - a simple command like “Give me 20 topic ideas on the subject coding and development” will prompt you with some useful ideas.

Try it out. ;)
This is why AI is so powerful - a simple command like “Give me 20 topic ideas on the subject coding and development” will prompt you with some useful ideas.
I have used AI before for code ideas, but there's only so much you can do with client-side scripting alone. Sometimes, it'll recommend stuff you need to do with server-side scripting. I think I did get a few ideas from AI in the past that I ended up creating codes for, though.
I have used AI before for code ideas, but there's only so much you can do with client-side scripting alone. Sometimes, it'll recommend stuff you need to do with server-side scripting. I think I did get a few ideas from AI in the past that I ended up creating codes for, though.
AI can be a very fantastic tool for generating code ideas and it can also help in exploring new approaches too. But It's not advisable to depend entirely on AI though.
One of the challenges I seem to come across a lot when it comes to content creation is writer's block. Writer's block hits when you least expect it and it doesn't care when it hits and could leave you in a huge mess, especially if you are on a schedule.
One of my major challenges is time management and consistency. Content creation can be time-consuming, and for someone like me who has a lot of activities offline and online, it makes it very hard to find enough time to create this content. And over time I tend to lose interest.
One of my major challenges is time management and consistency. Content creation can be time-consuming, and for someone like me who has a lot of activities offline and online, it makes it very hard to find enough time to create this content. And over time I tend to lose interest.
I’m also faced with the time management and consistency issues. I acknowledge them as significant challenges in content creation. I know it's very tough to balance multiple activities and also maintain motivation at the same time.
I feel very creative, I feel very prolific and I can create a lot of content, but my major challenge is not being able to find enough clients to sell my work.
I feel very creative, I feel very prolific and I can create a lot of content, but my major challenge is not being able to find enough clients to sell my work.
Yeah, it’s very challenging to locate clients for business as a writer. Have you ever tried to enhance your visibility by expanding your marketing efforts through social networking, or using freelance services to find clients?
Some of the challenges that I encounter as a content creator is being able to meet up with the scheduling of submission. I have lots of writing gigs that I have to balance with my life and meeting datelines is always pressuring at times.
Some of the challenges that I encounter as a content creator is being able to meet up with the scheduling of submission. I have lots of writing gigs that I have to balance with my life and meeting datelines is always pressuring at times.
I totally understand where you are coming from because it's not easy to meet the deadlines especially when you have multiple projects . It can be very overwhelming.