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What is the easiest way to get hired for a writing job

I wouldn't say it is easy to get a writing job, most who are looking for writers are looking for someone who is already established and who has work they can show such as a portfolio.

The key to getting work is to put yourself out there with small services that you feel comfortable offering to start and then work your way up from there.
In the competitive writing, landing a job can be challenging but not impossible. Having extensive experience in writing is indispensable for getting hired. In addition, it is essential to have a strong portfolio that showcases your skills and expertise. This can include a professional blog or website and examples of your past writing assignments.

When looking for clients, consider employing freelancing platforms like Upwork, where you can showcase your skills and bid on relevant projects. Joining freelancing groups and communities specifically for online writers can also be beneficial in expanding your network and finding potential job opportunities.

Remember that the writing industry is evolving, and the rise of AI technology is impacting the demand for human writers. Despite these challenges, perseverance is vital. Landing a writing job that aligns with your skills and interests may take time, so do not lose hope. Keep honing your craft, expanding your network, and applying for relevant work opportunities until you secure a writing job that suits you best.
I've found out that having a strong portfolio and online presence is definitely a key to getting hired for a writing job. It's also equally important to network and make connections in the industry as well.