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Are you a morning or night person?


May 28, 2024
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There is always the possibility that one is a morning or night person. Those that are morning people end up achieving more in the morning than at night. Have you been able to observe the time of the day that you are most active?
Personally, I am more of a night person because I find it very difficult to go to bed early. Even though I can do some certain things during the day, I feel more active and agile during the night.
I am a morning person when it comes to doing household chores or working. I am a night person when it comes to playing games. :P
I'm definitely more of a night person myself. I don't really like getting up super early, and it takes me a bit to wake up once I'm up and about for the day. This is especially true during the week, having to get up early for work isn't fun. However I don't think I could work during night shift.
Personally, I am more of a night person because I find it very difficult to go to bed early. Even though I can do some certain things during the day, I feel more active and agile during the night.
Same here. I’m more of a night owl than a morning person. I tend to get more things done at night than I do during the day.
I am a night person. I am very active in the night and always focus on doing a lot of the activities that I get planned out for the day in the night so it doesn't affect my morning activities.
I have always been more of a night owl than a morning person. I find that on a night, I can sit and get on with so much without the worry of being disturbed and losing my train of thought or my momentum when completing work and other tasks.
Night, definitely. Although, I am trying to cut back on staying up late, and get more sleep!
I'm definitely more of a night person than a morning person. I am not one who likes to wake up early or have plans early in the morning. I would rather sleep in and stay up late =)
I am more a night person, i can stay up late at night, but i can't get up early in the morning, most of the times i find it hard to getup in the morning. Lol
I'm kind of in between a morning and a night person. I can stay up late on nights I don't go to work in the morning, otherwise, I generally go to bed around 10:00 - 11:00. I used to stay up till 3:00 - 4:00 in the morning when I didn't have to go to work till 2:00.
I agree with @Cory. I am a bit of both as well. That being said I think the phases of our lives change the "type" of person we identify as. I used to be a night owl throughout a portion of my life and now phase of life has demanded a switch up and in this phase of life I am much more of an early bird.
I'm a night person. I tend to be more productive at that hour of the day. I noticed that I'm more organised during the night.
This is exactly the same way it is for me when it comes to being very productive and that is the reason why I tend to work with a schedule that have me doing most of the time I'm supposed to do at night. I feel good when I'm working by that time.