I haven’t found exact statistics comparing the two, but I came across this article:
- Every day, 3,000 to 5,000 questions are posted by Quora users.
- Quora covers more than 400,000 topics.
- More than 10 million people have viewed the top questions.
I also found this article:
- Since January 2017, 13 million questions have been asked, in total, on Quora.
- 99% of questions asked on Quora get answered.
- 20% of questions get not less than 3 answers.
- 90% of questions on Quora have less than ten answers.
- Two-fifths of Quora questions have no votes from users.
- Over 30% of Quora users haven’t responded to any question.
- 70% of Quora’s population haven’t submitted a question on the platform.
There’s some articles floating around that state that Quora is just for questions where Reddit is basically for everything though.