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What is your education?


Agora Founder
Staff member
May 18, 2024
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I am curious to know more about the amazing talents we have in this community. Let's talk about our certifications and educational backgrounds!

What certifications do you have? Are you self-taught, or did you go the traditional route through college or university? Maybe you’ve taken some specialized courses or earned some industry-specific credentials?

Share your stories! How did your education and certifications shape your career? Any tips for others looking to get certified or further their education? Let’s inspire and learn from each other. 😊

Looking forward to hearing your stories!
I'm only a high school graduate and a college dropout. I didn't last too long doing online college courses because the stuff I was doing didn't feel like the path I wanted to take. In terms of programming, I'm self-taught.
I didn’t graduate High school as I got expelled, but I did get my GED. I didn’t go to college. I learned how to do SEO on my own. I don’t know how to program anymore. I used to know how to code basic php pages, but that was when I was 14-15. I forgot how to.🤦🏿‍♂️
I have a Bsc in computer Science. I've been thinking about going for a second degree but the money to push for it isn't something I can spare now.
I have a B.Tech in Electrical Engineering. Since it had very core subjects, I was able to crack jobs coming from a similar domain (RF - Radio Frequency). Today, I am a proud aerospace electronics engineer.

Fun Fact: Every aeroplane in the world has electronic parts manufactured by the company I work in.
I graduated high school and did go to college for a few years afterwards, but dropped out. I didn't even really know what I wanted to go to school for, I put down graphic design but I'm not an artist and I'm not sure why I put that down lol. I program sometimes, and I'm all self taught. I can't really code things from scratch, I'm better at modifying existing code.
I hold a degree in theatre arts. I have had the desire to become a radio presenter for a very long period of time and even when it didn't work out when I started, I am glad that I am getting to the stage where I can achieve my dreams of becoming one because I have an interview coming soon with one radio station.
I hold a degree in theatre arts. I have had the desire to become a radio presenter for a very long period of time and even when it didn't work out when I started, I am glad that I am getting to the stage where I can achieve my dreams of becoming one because I have an interview coming soon with one radio station.
Which aspect of Theatre Arts did you specialize in? Is it Mass Communication? I knew someone who studied the same thing, he's working as a producer in a radio station.
I completed school and took all of my end-of-school exams which are GCSE exams and I went to college for a year and took level 2 childcare and education.

Unfortunately, due to how life went and how my life if, working in childcare is not something I would be able to manage now which is why I chose another career path.
First-class Master of Mathematics degree from St John's College, Oxford.

I hardly ever use the mathematics itself in real life, but getting the degree has certainly helped me get a job as a software developer!
I have Bsc in Mass Communication. I'm planning on reading Law as a second degree and that's what I'm going to be doing my Masters on. I have always had passion for Law.
I have my BTEC Higher National Diploma in Graphic Design & Multimedia, however I have been on a continuous journey upskilling and trying to further myself as a professional in industry. Here is a list of courses completed from my personal portfolio site:

I have a Higher National Diploma in Physics/Electronis. I have plans to continue learning because it's very essential in today's fast-paced world. I’ll start to pursue some online courses soon.
I have a Higher National Diploma in Physics/Electronis. I have plans to continue learning because it's very essential in today's fast-paced world. I’ll start to pursue some online courses soon.

You should do everything to improve as the course that you did is a really good one. Going for an online course is also a very good idea.
I have a degree in Marketing Communications. Started a BSc IT & Media Design (design & development), but I dropped out after receiving the propaedeutic diploma (which only took me half a year). I can still continue it from there if I want to, as long as I do so within about 3 years from now. However, I don't really feel like I need it, so I probably won't.
I have a diploma in Pharmaceutical technology. I finished uni then went on a different path of freelancing, so now I am a web developer.

Even through what I do has nothing to do with pharmacy, getting that diploma taught me how to learn, research, source information., and other crucial skills I use today.
I have a college degree in safety and security. Basically, it was a starter course for criminal profiling. Decided I didn't want to have to work with criminals for the rest of my life I chose to do other things with my life. Though I feel like my courses taught me a lot of helpful and useful things that I can apply to my every day life.